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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Don't Drop Your Smile

A wise man once said, "Smiling's my favorite!" (Buddy the Elf). 

A few weeks ago I was in a frenzy trying to get a handle on motherhood, heading back to work, trying to be super-wife...oh yeah, and running errands in my 3-hour window I am afforded in between Sicily feedings.

In my frantic approach to my final stop Ross (to find new jeans to fit my non-pregnant, not pre-pregnant body), I was startled by a young man talking to me.  He calmly said, "Ma'am, you dropped something." Now, this is not alltogether uncommon, I am quite clumsy. I of course turn quickly around to see if my phone fell out of my purse, or perhaps there was a large roll of cash in the parking lot that I could "mistake" as mine.  To my surprise, there was nothing behind me, so I look back at this kid quizzically and he says, "You dropped your smile."  BLAST! (This is my favorite 'curse' word).  In all my frantic running around, I had adopted a serious, no-nonsense expression that screamed to everyone I saw that I was unapproachable and unfriendly!  It took a 17-year-old kid to point out to me that I had "dropped my smile."

Since then, I have been trying to find small "smile moments" throughout each day. Most recently my moments come from sharing smle time with my amazing little girl! She has discovered her smile and more recently her tongue and giggle muscles.  It's impossible to look at her smiling face and not smile back....don't believe me...check out this cutie!

You can get a smile moment from just about anything!  Look at God's beauty all around you (notice that cloud in the shape of a unicorn), read a favorite scripture (Psalm 73:25-26), notice that sweet elderly couple holding hands in Wal-mart.  I have challenged myself to find 3 smile moments every day so that I will no longer "drop my smile."  How about you, what is your favorite smile moment?

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a great reminder to pick up that smile no matter! Brave kid @ Walmart! :)
